Monday, November 7, 2011

Fake Bakugan Report

One of these Dragonoids are genuine and the other is not.
Quoting Ripley's ~ "Can you spot the not?"

Disclaimer: BakuBlogger is a Blogsite dedicated to provide the internet with opinions from a Bakugan Fan and Hobbyist from the Philippines. 

It is not a Blogsite for promoting or encouraging the purchase of Fake Bakugan. Rather, some entries are written to give Filipinos and Foreigners alike with genuine information about unlicensed Bakugan goods.

Two places in the Capital City of the Philippines are considered as the Shopping Haven for the thrifty: Quiapo and Divisoria. These places are abundant in thrift shops which nonetheless carry fake anime items and goods.

Amongst the massive piles of Angry Birds memorabilia are these Bakugan items that are clearly fake.

But what does a fake Bakugan look like?

Here's two sample Fake Bakugan which depict Pyrus Dragonoid. 
I will refer to them by their company names: Dong Wei and Long Feng.

Dong Wei follows the standard B1 size or the first Generation of Bakugan including the clamshell packaging.


It is also a reminiscent of the packaging of Korean versions by Sonokong Toys.

Let's open the thing up! *evil laugh while holding the cutter*
(Kids, don't try that at home.) 

I must say that Dong Wei did a pretty good job at imitating the entire thing.
So much that most of you probably failed to "spot the not" in the introductory image.

Back of the Gate Card.
The Bakugan logo is completely replaced by a statement which Date Masamune would "Put the Gunz on" to.

The quality is quite good for a Bootleg but the front view reveals some obvious flaws
(besides the missing G Power of course).

The magnet is also misplaced but these instances also happen to authentic Bakugan like my Aquos Elfin.

Now let's have a look into the other Fake Dragonoid which is the Long Feng one.
Compared to the surprisingly well-done Dong Wei Dragonoid, the Long Feng Dragonoid really defines what a fake evidently looks like.

He's bowing down to you, asking you to spare his life.

Long Feng does not only provide a Metal Gate Card but also an instruction manual which I cannot read so I ended up throwing it away.

The Long Feng Dragonoid's plastic looks cheap but also, it is almost a reminiscent of the Baku Exo Skin series.

Evidently dodgy paint job on the gold parts and the Attribute Symbol is poorly painted on.

G Power. (Notice the missing green eye)

Misplaced Magnet again.

Also, the Long Feng is larger than B2 Bakugan.

...and lastly, let's not forget about the fake Metal Gate Cards' front artwork.

Fake Bakugan exists for a reason just like other shoddy bootleg toys. They are either for kitbashing or to act as guinea pigs in that next repaint or custom job that you are planning.

They're also great decoys for those nosy kids that kept on asking for your Bakugan (Tell me about it. I know how it feels ^^; ).

Now then, having read the entry, can you now "Spot the Not?" 

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