Thursday, November 3, 2011

BTC-015: Pyrus Flare Dragaon

 Pyrus Flare Dragaon is the mascot of the BakuTech Manga series and the Guardian Bakugan of Harubaru Hinode.

Back of the Packaging

Right side of the box explaining the removable Metal Cross.

Left side of the box shows the Metal Cross with the stickers

Parts of the Flare Dragaon explained as well as the Convert System.
Closing Flare Dragaon
Included Green Ability Card
Typo on the word "Normal." Cool Art nonetheless.
Included Silver Gate Card
Kate Perry? 
Flare Dragaon on the Paper Blister
Forehead Gem is win!

Flare Dragaon Opened. 
His feet (Sole) are also removable.
Die-Cast Metal Cross.

500 Gs of power.
The Stickers demand to be placed on the Metal Crosses.
...and there you have it.
I'll place the BakuTech sticker on the allotted BakuBox for my BakuTech.
Ta-daah! Ready to set the battlefield on fire!

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